I know it's been a really long time since I've updated on here about my journey to serve with Hands at Work., but 2015 so far has been all sorts of hectic. I've made it to Johannesburg, and I'm spending the weekend catching up with friends I haven't seen in over a year and a half, which is just lovely. Now that I've washed all the airplane grime off that comes with red-eye flights, I just wanted to take a second to share with you all a few musings I had in the airport last night:
'So I'm sitting at the departure gate and my heart is in my throat. I've said goodbye to some of my favourite people in the whole world and right now I don't really know how to cope with that. I'm so incredibly excited for what happens as soon as I get off the plane in Johannesburg, but I don't think I ever realised how hard it would be to let my family go. It's funny, at any point over the last six months I could have said that I give in, that going to South Africa would be too hard. I even had that opportunity today, when instead of crying like a normal person, my body decided to go into a semi-migraine; dizziness, vomiting, the works. I could have turned around and said 'This far God, but no further; it's too hard.' Because in all honesty, this is by far the scariest thing I've ever chosen to do.
But the thing is, it's where I am weakest that He is strongest. I never asked for an easy ride, or a safe life. I asked Him for an adventure, and that's certainly what I'm getting. I have no idea what my life is going to look like over the next few months, and I'm actually really excited about that.'
I'm hoping that as you read this blog, you stick with me on this incredible adventure. Because I have no idea what God's going to do next, but I know that it's going to be greater than anything I could have imagined for myself.